Saturday, 22 February 2014

She turned her cant's into cans and her dreams into plans.

I came across this quote the other day when scrolling on Twitter and  it made me think how much different things are to a year ago. Even though I still have a long where to go in life and to feel fully well myself I feel so much more hopeful and positive and more than anything determined to achieve and overcome any obstacles in life.  This time last year I was in a much darker place had very little hope or self belief and was using coping strategies I wasn't proud of.  But thanks to help an incredible boyfriend and some amazing friends I feel well on the road to recovery and back on the path of following where I want to be in my career wise. I hope in time there is more awareness about hidden conditions and mental health issues and also medical issues too. I hope people will be able to have the confidence to open up about the difficulties they face but also more importantly the positives of their struggles and people will see past the labels. Hopefully teachers will be offered training on hidden conditions so people can have the support and understanding they need and consequently have a positive impact on academic success and tools for life. I'm very grateful to celebrities like Mollie King (shock) and many many others for being open about their difficulties and the positives associated with them. Hopefully with their influence their can be changes that happen and people won't feel alone in what they go through. To anyone who is reading this blog who has personally helped me I am so very grateful thank you. I hope me writing these blogs can help others if it helps one person I hope it's a good thing. I  hope by sharing my stories and the random quirks of life of Rosie people can see that their is light at the end of the tunnel and with a lot of hard work you can finally get there, and secondly a hidden condition or conditions is nothing to be ashamed of  yes can be frustrating at times but can also a very positive thing in the end result. Finally if you knowi of someone who may be struggling please do not judge them try and understand their quirks their differences and properly get to know them as a person. See past the difference that they may have.

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Things take time

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