Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Spreading Kindness

My lovely friend Claire has written a beautiful blog, in the aftermath of all which has been happening in the world about spreading love. This has prompted me to do one of my own about spreading kindness.

Recently the world has been full of horrible things going on. The attack which happened in Manchester where so many innocent lives were lost and leaving so many people injured. Also left people feeling emotional, or numb and their hearts breaking for those involved.

Ariana Grande selflessly put on a show #onelovemanchester where some of the biggest acts in the world of music performed. Her strength, inspiring hope into many and gaining huge respect around the world. The main message being that love wins over hate. Whether people were a fan of Ariana or her music, she gained so much respect and when she came on stage for One Last Time the emotions were pouring out all over social media. The number of selfless people who have come forward and got involved in the recent few weeks has been incredible, each in their own way paying tribute and helping as best they can.

We can all do a little bit in our day to day lives to spread a little bit of kindness, love or happiness into someone's life. A smile can change their day around and a few words of hope and encouragement can empower them to keep going. If we all spread kindness the world would be a much happier place. You don't even have to know the person to spread kindness: it could be a stranger. But we can all do our bit to help and make a difference, you don't know the impact the kindness could have on someone's life.

I couldn't not visit St Anne's square last Saturday with my boyfriend Matt, when we paid a visit to the city. I was humbled by the number of people paying their respects and got a huge sense of a city coming together with unity and strength.

In these times we must draw comfort in that tiny bit of hope.

The JustGiving fund page for One Love is linked here if you should wish to be involved.
I send all of my love to anyone affected or knows anyone affected, I also send love to anyone struggling for whatever reason in life.
Take care of yourselves,

Until next time.....

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