Sunday 2 January 2022

Things take time

Hi everyone I hope you're well?
I first began to write this blog back before the first lockdown and have recently got around to re-editing it and proofreading it. 

I wanted to blog about something which I've been thinking about a lot recently and how a lot of things in life take time.

It can be very easy when you find day to day life more challenging to find yourself getting frustrated with yourself and question why something which others may take for granted may take you longer. I've always been someone who needs to have things broken down, as someone who has struggled with a lot of anxiety and social anxiety over time, I need to break my fears and situations of things I find more difficult to build my confidence up.

 At primary school, it was often assumed I wasn't trying hard enough or was being lazy when it was taking longer than my peers to learn or process the information and copy from the board, write neatly or play games in the school playground due to dyspraxia. In social situations especially in groups, new people, or people I don't know well,  people can often make comments like, "you're so quiet" instead of including me in their conversations when I've felt socially anxious which can be upsetting and affect my self-esteem. But the little simple things can mean a lot to someone. 

The world we live in can feel very fast paced and modern society can make you feel like you have to have achieved or done something by a certain time or age. For many people and for many different reasons e.g. mental health and/or disability these milestones can take a little longer to achieve. Learning to drive, finding your place in the world of work or studying, living independently, or simply going out and doing what you love and enjoy in life or day to day tasks can take a lot longer. Which can affect self-esteem and mood. Everyone works differently and has different life circumstances too. 

Just because someone takes longer to do something doesn't mean they don't want to be able to do it, they aren't being lazy. Their journey just might be in a different way down a different path. If anything it can make someone a determined, persevering person. It can also make them have empathy and understanding for others and their journeys in life. Don't give up on someone and keep believing in them when they struggle to. But simply listening can mean a lot.

Keep going, you're stronger than you think.

Friday 30 July 2021

Being Heard

Hello, I know it's been a while since I've written a blog, I hope you're doing ok? Thank you for your patience with my blog, I really appreciate it.

Inspired by my wonderful friend Immie's blog, I thought I would write a blog about something important to me and the little things others can do to help. 

The world we live in (in normal times) can seem very fast and loud, and if you're quieter, you can struggle with processing information, and/or have any disability or mental health condition, it can feel like you can struggle to keep up. This can lead to painful and upsetting assumptions about who you are and your day to day life, affecting your self-esteem and mood. 

Being a quieter, softly spoken person, with dyspraxia and anxiety/depression, I've never found being assertive or social situations easy. People can assume quietness means weakness, or that you're a doormat or easy target/ pushover. This is far from the case but those assumptions can be hard.

Sometimes, you may feel like on the periphery of a group and not part of one even if you're physically present, it can feel like everyone is talking to everyone else but you feel on the outside. It makes you worry if nobody even notices you or makes you wonder if you would even be missing if you weren't there. These feelings of loneliness and isolation can be painful, depressing and also upsetting for those around you. Feeling left out and not invited to things really affected my self-esteem and mood. I began to question if I was likeable, if I had anything interesting to say or if I was good company. I always felt that I was an unpopular option.

It can feel frustrating and that your voice doesn't matter, but it's so important that different voices are heard. I feel in every school, workplace, university and friendship group there needs to be understanding of and most importantly value and appreciation of different minds, different personalities, so people don't feel less than. 

How can you help me and others who may need some patience:

1. Give me time and be patient with me and don't assume I don't have anything to contribute. Let me feel more settled.

2. Don't put me on the spot it can make me more anxious and I can freeze, give me time to prepare and process things.

3. If you want to ask me a question or know something about me ask me and don't go through anyone else or it can make me feel voiceless and awkward.

4. Be curious, take the time to find out more, ask questions, don't make assumptions. Understand we all have our own unique story and experiences. 

5. Be sensitive, appreciate that I've had some tricky experiences which have affected my self-esteem and I can be quite a sensitive person in general. 

My experiences have made me listen carefully to what others have to say, thoughtful and appreciative of what is important to them.  I also have a strong sense of inclusion and hate the thought of anyone being left out. I also am patient with others and have an appreciation of the tenacity involved in a situation.

You are enough as you are, and you matter. 

Until next time.....

Monday 27 July 2020

Being Patient and feeling enough

Hello everyone, I hope you are well?
We have been living in such unprecedented  times and our daily lives have changed so much over the last few months. During recent weeks lockdown restrictions have been lifted allowing people to get back to a degree of "normal" life. But how and when people decide to do this may be different and it's important to be patient, not just now but generally in life.

The world we live in can be loud and very fast-paced, it can feel like you're constantly trying to keep up with it. It can feel like everyone who surrounds you is just getting on with things, not having to think too deeply or need support. You can feel like asking for help is seen as a weakness, or that being a highly sensitive, anxious, quieter person makes you not enough. But we are all different, we all process life and it's experiences at different times, all with our own unique perspectives and personalities. Some people like myself may find things more anxiety provoking may need more time and may feel things deeply. But being patient with someone can help both you and the other person. It can make them feel valued and heard, especially if perception and low self-esteem are issues.

I recently read a blog by my close friend Immie about the value of a mental health mentor and how as a dyspraxic quieter person, it can take time to not only find the right support but also open up about what is on your mind and experiences. It can take a lot of courage and perseverance to do this. What I am also learning is that we all need help, we're all human and it's ok to find the assertiveness to say if the help you're receiving isn't the right fit for you, it also doesn't make you unkind.

 It's something which I think needs to be talked about a lot more as you can feel like you're going through it on your own.  Being dyspraxic and having anxiety/low mood has always meant I've needed a bit more patience, whether it be with simple day to day tasks, studying or getting to know me. It also means I struggle with fatigue and depression and things can take quite a bit out of me. Being quieter with social anxiety it can feel like you're undervalued and that you have to fight for your voice to be heard. Also what you have to say is of interest or if anyone would want to listen. But the little things can make a huge difference to me and my self-esteem and self-worth. For me, it's made me thoughtful and a good listener and patient with other people and their struggles. 

It's also important to remember to be patient with yourself, and to show self-compassion and not be so hard on yourself. All of which I can find so hard.  Finding ways to express how you're feeling is different for the individual, either written, verbal or even through music and creativity. It takes quite a bit of time and trial and error to find what might or might not help you which I’m still learning. Social media can often create a false illusion of picture-perfect, whilst in reality, we all have struggles we all can find things tricky from time to time. I recently watched one of Stacey Solomon’s Instagram stories where she talked about being unapologetically true to herself and the right people in her life - finding what makes you happy. You might never be everyone’s cup of tea, but to those who love you that will always be good enough.

Until next time...

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Long Distance Connections

Hello, everyone, I hope you are staying safe and well during these unusual times. I wanted to blog (for the first time in a long while) about something important to me and needs more understanding. This has become more spoken about recently due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus. Hopefully, during this period it will raise awareness of how precious connections can be with family, friends and pets for us all at and also generally when you don't find making those connections easy in the first place. I'm currently apart from my parents and border collie Toby- (animals can provide a lot of comfort to people who find social situations hard.)

As with all of my blogs I am only speaking from my perspective, everyone is different and experiences life differently. It's important to take the time to listen to someone and their story as an individual. Also, remember that there can be a lot more to someone's story than one blog post.

For some people making friends and finding people they connect with isn't easy. Especially if in their local area there isn't much understanding, awareness or opportunities which incorporate inclusion. It's easy for people to take for granted having family or friends living in close proximity, where you maybe can just pop round for a drink, a meal or a hug.

All of the above have applied to me. As a quieter person, who has always found social situations anxiety-provoking and had my fair share of misunderstandings and bullying. I also come from a quieter family and am an only child.  Making friends has never been easy for me and to be honest a really sensitive issue. I am dyspraxic and I have very different music taste to my peers and experience mental health issues of anxiety and depression. I also spend a lot of my time usually back home in Burnley Lancashire.  In short, it takes quite a long time to get to know Rosie and for Rosie to feel comfortable with people and to do things people maybe take for granted.

In the past, I've had difficult experiences of people not understanding why social situations and day to day life can be hard for me. Which is why understanding is important that not everyone has things close by and people do things in their own time. They didn't understand why I can't just do something, meet people, or go somewhere or why it's so anxiety-provoking for me. Also why my confidence in cities(and general) can be really difficult for me. Due to my difficulties, people didn't understand why it was taking me longer.  I've always struggled with low self-esteem and can also struggle with my mood too. It can make me overthink a lot and worry the same experiences will happen again, doubt how I'll be perceived and if people will always react the same. Anxiety can be tricky like that. The little things can mean a lot and make a difference.

Taking longer in life and being at distance from the people, things and pets I care about has made me an understanding, empathetic person who takes the time to listen. I'm grateful for the few people who take the time to listen to me and make me feel like my voice is important and matters.

After this period,  after seeing my family, dog and the few friends at distance I have. I want to build up my self-esteem and find more activities and connections where people accept me, and  I find my purpose to help with my mental health. Hopefully, in time I will be able to be more confident to be where I want to be in life, in my own way and time. Sometimes things aren't easy to explain, give a quieter person the time and space and you never know what you might learn.

Throughout this difficult time and in general please be kind to others, put yourself in other's shoes and understand that everyone is different and does things in their own time. Please don't compare time frames. If you see someone who's at distance from their loved ones show some kindness.

Take care of yourselves.
Until next time........

Friday 27 December 2019

Taking time and listening

Hello, apologies for the delay in blogging, this blog will be my last one for 2019,

Listening has something which has always fascinated me and which is really important to me. If someone feels listened to they can feel heard, validated, believed in. It can be such a powerful tool in communication.

Listening to someone is also understanding that it is something which takes time so that the other person believes that they matter and have important contributions to offer. It's giving that person time to speak and able to put their trust in you. It's taking the time to empathise and realise that there may be more to them and to their story.

The world we live in is such fast-paced, especially with the rise of social media. This can leave those who maybe need time feeling left out or misunderstood. People can take a snapshot of what may assume they know a lot more. This was spoken about at the Dyspraxia Foundation Conference in London in the summer. Little things can make a huge difference.

As a quieter person who has anxiety and social anxiety, I know what it's like to feel left out and people assuming that there's nothing more to me, often focusing more outspoken others. It can affect my self-esteem, confidence, mood and anxiety.  I understand people can be wary to include people who are quieter, experience anxiety or other difficulties e.g dyspraxia.

Little adjustments such as: understanding if someone needs to leave early, or find a quieter space can be helpful and reassuring that they still enjoy their company. Often those of us who lack confidence can feel like we don't have anything interesting or important to say, we just need to believe we do and feel listened to rather than misunderstood. It's still really lovely to be invited and included. Even if someone may decide that something is not for them.

As a dyspraxic, this can also apply physical activities and there being more so there are more options for more supportive, inclusive activities to participate in.

A positive of being a very emotional sensitive person, is that it has made me a caring and empathetic and I hope I take the time to listen to others whether humans or animals. However, I struggle to not take things personally,  and can be sensitive to the tone of voice and perceived criticism and rejection. I'm a very deep thinker as you may gather from reading these blog posts I'm a huge over-thinker and worrier due to anxiety and low mood. I can struggle to communicate my feelings and thoughts so can be hard for those around me see me being hard on myself and getting overwhelmed, but my counsellor is trying to help me believe that I do matter and am important.

These things take time and time to discover what might help. Which is still very much ongoing for me. We are all different and have our own journeys in our own time frame.

You never know what you might learn from someone. You might even be surprised. Please take the time to read my boyfriend Matt's blog: Quiet people have a voice too. 

  I'm so grateful to those who do give me time and stand by me; and my border collie Toby who offers unconditional love. Thank you for reading my blog. Next year I hope to be kinder to myself and believe in myself more, build up my confidence and manage my anxiety/low mood.

It's really important that people feel that their voices matter and feel valued and appreciated.

I really hope this year is kinder to everyone, wishing you a Happy New Year.

Until next time....

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Everyone’s story is different

Hi everyone, after a bit of a break from blogging, I thought I would blog about something which has become quite close to my heart. It has recently been Mental Health Awareness Week.

Everyone has their own story, their own life experiences, their own ways of seeing the world. They will have lived in different life and family circumstances surrounding us, even different pets.
Sometimes people may not fit into a neat little box.

As someone who has lacked confidence in myself, is quieter, experiences social anxiety, anxiety, depression and dyspraxia. I have faced a lot of misunderstandings and assumptions.

When you lack confidence in yourself and your opinions it’s very easy to feel like you don’t have a voice, that you and your voice doesn’t matter and people will walk away or ignore rather than listen. So it's easy not to say anything, which can lead to feelings of isolation. I’m someone who’s had a limited support network and faced some not nice experiences or people in my time. I like to hope it's made me non-judgemental/empathetic/open-minded.

I grew up in a time where awareness of mental health and disability was simply not talked about. Some of these experiences are difficult to talk about and may not make the blog or my social media. There may be a lot about someone you don’t know about or their story so please be open-minded and non-judgemental. There needs to be more understanding of issues invisible to the eye.

Joining in and initiating conversations can often be anxiety/panic-inducing, it doesn’t mean someone is rude or anti-social but it may just take them more time to feel more comfortable people and build their confidence often in a safe place or with a safe person to find their voice . Just because someone is quieter it doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say, options or interests. People have often assumed there's nothing to me. On the outside looking in it can sometimes that I'm not wanting to do something, being rude or not trying hard enough as it can take me a lot longer, especially if it's something new or unknown.  But it doesn't mean I'm not persevering nor that I don't care.

When someone is quieter it is very easy to slip through the net when it comes to needing help and support. When I was at school the people who struggled were seen as the ones who shouted out too loudly or had a lot of behavioural issues. I was the opposite: I lacked confidence, was too shy to put my hand up in class and spent a lot of time by myself being left out of situations and conversations.  I withdrew into my own rich, deep fantasy world. I was also very tall and physically clumsy and was always picked last for P.E.  I also always hated drawing any kind of attention to myself. But it didn’t mean I wasn’t struggling, finding things difficult or that I wasn't trying either.

It helps if I still feel included and included in conversations as joining in conversations can be really difficult for me and my social anxiety, and even in adulthood I've felt left out of situations, photos or conversations.  I worry that people don’t want me there/like me/enjoy my company and has lead to feelings of social isolation or depression. Being listened to is so valuable and when people do little things like check in with me or listen to me it can make me feel valued and appreciated. I’ve never had much of that, so when it does happen I really do appreciate it. Especially amazing friends I’ve met through the Dyspraxia Foundation. Most importantly it helps if people are patient with me, force me to speak up and I’ll close up. Give me time, value and appreciate me and I’ll reveal more about myself.

Due to my anxiety, especially really high levels of anticipatory anxiety (worry about what may happen or how I'm perceived), and generalised worrying- you name it I can overthink it and low mood.  I can find various situations difficult. Some things as a dyspaxic may be more difficult for me than others, I for example: I am a mucky pup and can struggle with simple things such as: brushing my hair/teeth. I love pop music and am an only child and have had other health issues, others may not have experienced this.

It’s really important not to make assumptions about someone, their story or their difficulties or strengths. Also don’t compare people, their stories and their experiences but take the time to listen and let someone share in their own time when they feel comfortable. Don’t stop inviting/including friends to things even if they say no or have to leave early. Be patient, day to day tasks can take longer and energy consuming so be kind.

Asking for help and support can be really difficult for people who may be struggling with their mental health, it can be easy not to want to bother someone or burden them with their problems or It can also be hard to know what help there is out there and what may or not be helpful.

When you read someone's blog please remember that they're still a work in progress, still figuring things out and how to help themselves and navigate life. Things take time, please be patient with us.

My boyfriend Matt is running some events this year to raise awareness of mental health and dyspraxia and funds for Dyspraxia Foundation.  To read our story, and to sponsor him:

You're a lot stronger than you think, be kind to yourself, keep going.

Here's a photo of my rescue border collie Toby who has recently lost his eye. Sometimes even our pets have their own story. 😉

Until next time....

Sunday 30 December 2018

2019 in review- You are not alone

Hello everyone,

It's come to the time when I write my end of year blog. It really doesn't feel like two minutes since I wrote my end of year blog last year.

This year has been a pretty hard year for me for a number of reasons and circumstances. I've also struggled a lot with my mental health, but I'm grateful for the support of the people who I've had in my life. I've never found making friends easy or had many of them for that matter either so those of you who have taken the time to listen to me, it means a lot to me - thank you. 

There can be a lot of comfort in not feeling like you're alone, the opposite are feelings I have known well - talking about I feel and about the things I find difficult has never been the easiest for me due to social/general anxiety.  I've always worried if people will be understanding and supportive or if they will laugh, judge, simply not get it or if I will bother others. Also expressing my thoughts and emotions is difficult for me. 

Due to my anxiety/social anxiety and dyspraxia, day to day life and situations can be a challenge and I also can experience panic attacks and low mood. I’m also a big overthinker and have challenges with confidence and low self-esteem. It can take a while to get to know me and for me to feel comfortable, especially due to my anxiety and quietness. It can be so easy to think it's just you who finds these situations difficult or why you may feel down.

I also struggle to find confidence in sharing my ideas and opinions due to my social anxiety, I can worry that I will offend people or that my ideas, stories or experiences aren't interesting and others will roll their eyes and think, "what is she on about?"

There's been a lot of talk about mental health in the dyspraxia world this year which in my opinion is a long time coming, but I hope in future this is something which is developed more alongside the social difficulties people may face. I think it's really important that people aren't put into the same bubble and that people are known as individuals with their own unique circumstances so that there aren't stereotypes. 

Some people may have different challenging situations to me, or complete them in a different time frame, or may have had more of a support network - outside of close family and had more general support -than me. Understanding is also something which takes time and time to get to know people.

This year my boyfriend Matt became vice chair of the Dyspraxia Foundation. A quieter member of the board who has used his IT skills, passion and understanding from his own experiences and his anxieties and difficulties in social situations. He is building up his confidence to promote inclusion within the charity which is something important to him/us. I am also grateful for the members of the youth group I have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with and those who from
various communities I’ve spoken to online. You have really opened my eyes.

This year I've realised that things take time and that it's ok to be on your own journey and time frame. Also that I'm a lot stronger than I give myself credit for.  Next year I hope to believe in myself more, build up my confidence and manage my anxiety/low mood.

Thanks to Matt for all of his support and strength this year and a special thanks to my border collie Toby who is always happy to see me, appreciative of snuggles and for always wanting a toy to be thrown. I am very grateful for the kind words Mollie King has given me this year, they give me strength in difficult times. I hope this next year is a bit kinder.

I hope the year ahead is kind to you,
Take care  of yourselves

Lots of Love

Things take time

Hi everyone I hope you're well? I first began to write this blog back before the first lockdown and have recently got around to re-editi...